Instrument Model Development Evaluation Authentic Learning Esemble Music In Dumai 15 Public Middle
This research is motivated by the lack of effectiveness in the assessment process in ensemble music learning. The assessments carried out tend to be subjective in nature, where teachers comment on students' performance which is considered wrong, and without clear reasons, give certain grades to students' writing results. The aims of this research are: (1) to explain the steps or process of developing authentic assessment instruments that are relevant for use in ensemble music learning, (2) to reveal the validity and reliability of authentic assessment instrument models, (3) to evaluate the practicality of authentic assessment instrument models, and (4) explain the effectiveness of authentic assessment instrument models in ensemble music learning. The method used is the R & D model with the ADDIE approach: analysis, design, develop, implement and evaluate. Data was collected through observation, questionnaires and tests. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data processing was carried out using SPSS version 22. The research results showed that previously teachers used conventional models. The validity test of authentic assessment instruments in ensemble music learning reached a score of 89.3, the practicality test reached a score of 87.4, and the effectiveness test reached a score of 89.4. Based on these results, it can be concluded that this authentic assessment instrument model is suitable for use. The implication is that it makes it easier for teachers to carry out assessments more systematically, so that it is also easier for students to carry out ensemble music learning
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