The influence of Differentiated Learning Models on The Sociology Learning Outcomes of Class X Students At SMA N 2 West Sumatera
One of the factors causing the low learning outcomes of students is the inappropriate selection of learning models by teachers who cannot serve students according to the abilities and uniqueness of each student. So the differentiated learning model is here to try to answer these problems, therefore this research aims to determine whether or not there is an influence of the application of the differentiated learning model on student learning outcomes. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The population and sample of this research were 116 class X students. The research instrument is a questionnaire, the questionnaire is given to students via Google Form after going through validity and reliability tests. Data analysis uses simple regression. The research results revealed that there was a significant influence of the application of the differentiated learning model on student learning outcomes of 78.1% and 21.9% was influenced by other factors outside the research. Because F count > F table. This proves that the application of the differentiated learning model has a significant effect on the learning outcomes of students in sociology subjects, social research materials, class X students at SMAN 2 West Sumatra
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