Songs As an Innovative Solution To Overcome The Monotonyof Social Studies Learning
The background of this research is based on previous research that shows that songs can help students' understanding in various learning contexts, including in Social Sciences (IPS) subjects. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of song-based learning methods with conventional methods in improving the learning outcomes of junior high school students. The experimental method was used with the experimental group using songs and the control group using conventional methods. Data were collected through material mastery tests and analyzed using statistical tests with t-tests. The results showed that students who used songs had higher learning outcomes. The analysis showed significant differences between the two groups. In conclusion, the song-based approach improves students' understanding and their learning outcomes. With a t-count of 2.648, a t-table of 2.005, and a P value of 0.011, H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted, indicating a significant difference between the two methods. The average score of the group that used the song was 77,759, while the conventional group was 68,802, with a difference of 8,956. This confirms that the song-based approach is effective in social studies learning in junior high school, increasing student enthusiasm and learning outcomes.
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